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Fiji Vat Return Form (FMIS)

Fiji VAT Return Form (Form V) is a tax report in Fiji.

The report can be generated with the below filters:

  1. Date
  2. Accounting Method
    1. Cash  -  Cash method will list all sales and payment transaction on which cash has been received or paid in a particular period.
    2. Accrual - Accrual method will list all sales and payment transaction that has been invoiced in a particular period.


  1. All fields and calculations are defined on the report.
  2. Zero rated transactions are transaction that are VAT exempt.
  3. Tax rates must be configured in FMS Portal for the tax report to show data correctly. Setup rates under "Debtor -- Tax Maintenance".
  4. Values on the report is reconciled with the "Tax Return Report".

Figure 1 : VAT Form